Ukiran laser, reresik, welding lan mesin marking

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Laser menehi bagean
  • Gandum Pabrik 10mm Scanner Galvanometer Galven Galvo Scan Kanggo 30w

    Gandum Pabrik 10mm Scanner Galvanometer Galven Galvo Scan Kanggo 30w

    Scanner gallvanometer Chuke Galancing minangka scanner galvanometer galana sing paling efektif. Saliyane rega sing kompetitif, uga duwe kinerja sing apik, yaiku kanthi kinerja sing luar biasa. It has the characteristics of good linearity, small temperature drift, high precision, fast speed, good stability and strong anti-interference ability. It can meet 90% of the requirements of fiber laser applications, is one of the very widely used galvanometer scanners, and enjoys a good reputation and satisfaction among many users. Apa laser sing cocog kanggo nglereni solusi.
