Momentum pangembangan industri mobil wis nyebar ing saben omah lan wis ngusir pangembangan industri sing gegandhengan karo mobil. Of course, the application technology of automobiles is also improving. For example, marking technology has played a great role in the production process.
Traceability is a critical demand in automotive industry, where huge number of vehicle components are from different suppliers. Kabeh komponen dibutuhake duwe kode ID, kayata Barcode, QR Code, utawa dataMatrix. Mangkono kita bisa nglacak pabrikan, wektu lan papan produksi aksesoris sing tepat, sing luwih gampang ngatur kesalahan komponen lan nyuda kemungkinan kesalahan.

Chuke bisa nyedhiyani sistem tandha beda miturut syarat sing beda. Sistem tandha Dot Peen, sistem tandha tulis & sistem tandha laser kanggo karya sampeyan.
●Sistem tandha DOT PEEEN cocog kanggo menehi tandha bagean otomotif. It can be used for engines, pistons, bodies, frames, chassis, connecting rods, cylinders and other parts of automobiles and motorcycles.
